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Grade Entry

Banner 9 Faculty Grade Entry

Instructions for grade entry and a list of valid grading options can be found on the FERPA Acceptance page in Faculty Grade Entry. Log into MyUTK to access your grade entry page.



Familiarize yourself with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and its guarantees for confidentiality of student records.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are status columns on the grade entry interface that show the progress of grade entry for each instructor section. All courses for which final grades have already been entered and the grades “rolled” will feature a green “Completed” button in both the Grading Status column and the Rolled column. A course for which no grades have been entered will feature a red “Not Started” button in both those columns. Courses for which some but not all final grades have been submitted will feature an orange “In Progress” button in the Grading Status column.

While the grading period is open for the term, and instructors are submitting grades, the rolled column will be empty on the actual grade roll. The Registrar’s Office rolls grades to academic history/transcripts after grade entry closes for the term.  After grades are rolled, the rolled column on the grade entry page will have green check marks in it.

After the Registrar’s Office rolls grades, no changes can be made to the grade roll.  That is when grade change forms and the online grade change workflow come into play if an instructor needs to change a grade.

The quickest way to find a course is to enter the CRN into the search box. The search box located in the upper right portion of the grade entry landing page.

To find courses for a particular term, enter a year (2018), a term (spring), or term and year into the search box. If you enter the term and year, you will need to use the Banner term codes (201820, 201740, etc.) or spell it out just like on the landing page (spring sem 2018, fall sem 2017, summer sem 2017).

There is a pagination bar in the lower right portion of the screen. You can adjust how many sections appear on a page. Try changing the per-page count to something higher if you can’t see all of your sections. The per-page count can be changed to show as few as five or as many as 100. And don’t forget to use your scroll bar if your per-page count is 25 or higher.

The pagination bar for your CRNs will change location once a CRN is opened for grade entry. The bar will appear just above and to the right of the actual grade-entry area.

When a grade roll is opened, a second search box displays. This second box, located in the upper right portion of the grade roll, will allow you to search for a specific student by entering the name or ID of the student. This is a very helpful feature if you have a large section and are searching for one particular student.